Saturday, August 24, 2024

Daily Mobility

I try to do these everyday. It has been my evolving warmup routine for running. 1 and 2 I do in that order. 3 and 4 I randomly depending on time.

1. Foam rolling or massage gun (~5-10 minutes)

  • Target: feet, calves, hamstrings, quads, IT bands, and lower back.
  • Sets and Reps: Spend about 30-60 seconds on each target area. If muscles are tight or sore, spend more time. If muscles are very tight or sore, repeat multiple times throughout the day.

2. Dynamic Stretching (~5-10 minutes)

  • Standing Thoracic Rotations
  • Cat and Cow
  • Good Mornings  
  • Hip Circles
    • Standing: 10 circles each direction, clockwise and counter clockwise.
    • On ground: Lift one knee off the ground and move it in a circular motion, trying to draw as large a circle as possible with your knee. 10 circles in each direction, with each leg.
  • Lunges
    • 4 variations: front, front with twist/rotation, back, and Side. 
    • 5 reps each leg, each direction.
  • Leg Swings
    • Side swings and front/back swings. 10 swings with each leg, each direction. 
    • Repeat 1-2 times if hips/legs are tight.

3. Fascia Training- I following a different plan, but it's close enough to the video. The key is getting the toes to move properly.

4. Balancing and Light Upper Body Exercises- I do these most days I do not go to the gym. I use 15 and 30 pound kettle bells, but dumbbells or no weight works too.


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