Saturday, July 18, 2020

Christian Apologetics

This is for my buddy Luis who wanted me to listen to a talk with five questions answered by Ravi Zacharias and William Lane Craig. Here is a link. the five questions make up the sections.

I'm not the intended audience for this talk or discussion. Almost all the arguments require an important precursor, faith. Without faith, the Christian apologetic stories and evidence sound like the stories and evidence from any other religion which Christians apologists do not accept.

Popular Christian apologists fill large halls with people who share their beliefs. That is the intended audience. The talks solidify Christians' faith, give advice for conversation with non Christians, sell books, and or, for Zacharias and others, build a global franchise.

Before I start, I want to define faith. Faith has many meanings and usages, but I am using it very specifically to refer to belief without proof. I know proof can be subjective in the degrees of certainty, but when I use the word proof, I mean it in the strictest sense, like a mathematical proof.


  • strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. (Google)

  • belief that is not based on proof (

  • firm belief in something for which there is no proof (Merriam-Webster)

This is a big problem for faith is God. If it was a fact, there wouldn't be an argument. Christian apologists and atheists apologists wouldn't be able to write and sell books. On a similar note, the existence or nonexistence of God is non falsifiable. No one can prove or disprove God's existence. This is a crucial assumption I accept.

But just because there isn't mathematical proof of God, doesn't mean there isn't evidence for and against God. I think there is a lot of good evidence to believe in God. But without faith, the evidence against any specific religion can be overwhelming. The cumulative effect leads many non religious people to atheism. 

I don't find the five questions from talk insightful, maybe these questions are for immature and or less educated atheists.

1) What is the meaning/purpose of life?

Zacharias’ sermon about children and fairy tales is terrible evidence. For one, children are always asking why. For one, children believe in all sorts of imaginary ideas: Santa, Tooth Ferry, imaginary friends, monsters, etc. His example of children is not true. Children ask why all the time, and that is ironic considering his following anecdote about the court case.

Zacharias is not practicing good philosophy. A good philosopher presents and debates the oppositions best arguments. Zacharias either makes up or uses the weakest oppositional arguments, strawmen. But since he is a great speaker, smart, and loaded with charisma, he became extremely successful. His talks are mostly  rhetoric. When you break down what he is saying, there isn't anything new or convincing to someone with who has thoughtfully considered the philosophical arguments. I will focus more on Craig's ideas.

I agree with Craig's opening statements to the meaning of life. Life, in the vast scope of the universe, is absurd and meaningless. I can say more if Luis wants, but Craig represented my view pretty well. But that doesn’t mean life and people on Earth cannot find meaning. We all do. Everyone finds meaning just fine. People found meaning before Abraham or Christianity spread. Atheist find meaning just fine. Every human, with the ability to kill themselves who doesn't, finds meaning. Christians find different meaning within their religions. Even those who commit or attempt suicide, I'm not sure if a meaningless universe is a common reason.

2) What good evidence is there for the existence of God?

The origin of the universe is good evidence for a God. As Craig mentioned, if you adjust the conditions of the beginning of the Universe, the conditions we know for life vanish.

During the talk Craig cherry picks science when it helps him and discards or misrepresents science when it doesn't help him. Craig is a philosopher academically, so I have high confidence that he understands the ideas of the Big Bang and Theory of Evolution. His audience likely doesn't, so maybe he is attempting to make it digestible for his audience? It's bad philosophy, and I doubt he does this in academic settings.

Craig claimed that the Big Bang says the Universe started from nothing. That is false. The Big Bang theory has only strengthened the last 100 years. But science cannot say anything about what happened before The Big Bang because there is no evidence for anything prior. Scientific theories need evidence and or mathematical models that can be observed and verified. So although there are theories of what might have happened before The Big Bang, those a separate from the Big Bang theory..

Side note: Brian Greene is a famous physicist and an excellent writer. I recently listened to his book The Hidden Reality. He explains the evidence for infinite universes. It is a mind blowing progression of ideas. But in his book, he discusses the limitations of what we can know, prove, and the possibilities of what we might be able to find in the future. Greene's modesty about the limitations of science to describe reality is very close to my beliefs on the subject.

Evolution has nothing to say about how life began. It is a theory that explains how life evolved on Earth. This is another extremely strong theory. DNA and fossil records almost prove how natural selection can produce complex organs and life over millions to billions of years.

Natural Laws or objective moral laws do not convince me of anything. If they exist, or do not exist, what does that prove? Reality is what reality is regardless of what we think. Our thoughts and feelings do not affect objective reality. Our thoughts and feelings only affect how we perceive reality.

I think science can offer many plausible explanations as to why people/cultures can accept similar ideas on morality. It isn't objective moral laws. History suggests cultures decides what is right and wrong, and culture is always changing. As people collaborate and create a greater collective knowledge, culture and morals change. Ideas in society evolve. I choose not to eat factory farmed animals because I think those animals suffer and I do not need them to live a health life or feel good. It is not because eating meat or killing an animal is wrong. We could all come up with exceptions for any so called natural law.

3) How can a good God allow evil?

Easy. This is a bad question and the arguments from skeptics about the contradiction between our world and a just God aren't good. Freedom is a perfect example and reason for an ambivalent being to allow suffering.

If God is outside of time and space, then it's fair to say God's capabilities are far beyond humans'.

4) How can we know that the resurrection of Jesus really occurred?

This is a tough question. I like an explanation I read from Reza Aslan (Aslan is another poor philosopher but great writer), he states people in Jesus' and Muhammad's time wouldn't have thought about facts the way we do today. They would have looked for the meaning of a story. It wasn't if Jesus was resurrected, but what does Jesus' resurrection mean? (They also might not expect people 2000 years later to be arguing about it either, or maybe they would. I don't know. Seems like an interesting idea to consider later.)

I'll speculate more. I don't know how plausible people of Jesus' time would have considered of a resurrection. Did the biblical writers try to prove Jesus was resurrection by 21st century standards? Certainly not. Since Jesus was a mostly obscure Jewish man (by Roman standards), skeptics of the news wouldn't have had any reason to record their disbelief. Most people alive at Jesus' death wouldn't have suspected his life would spark a new religion that would cover the Earth. So why would they mention Jesus or some little uprising in the middle east?

Craig says Jesus' resurrection is the most plausible account. Craig should add "to him." It's most plausible to Craig. If one believes it is plausible, it'll be more plausible. The resurrection is essential to the claim of Jesus' divinity. So people who believe in Jesus will find it most plausible. I'd really like to make a detailed list of evidence that people could plug their own probabilities into to spit out a probability using Bayes' theorem.

Here are a few ideas I find a lot more plausible:

  1. Jesus had a twin. People thought Jesus resurrected because they saw his twin. Identical twins happen about 3-4 times per 1,000 births. Given high infant mortality rates (over 25%), and it is possible twins would suffer higher mortality rates in ancient times. The chances of a woman in Roman times having twins who both survived to adulthood is low. Using Beyesian reasoning, the question becomes how probable is it that twins could pull off a resurrection? This seems unlikely too, but all those unlikely events combining are still more plausible than Jesus' resurrection to me, and probably many people who don't presuppose a God is trying to reach people.

  2. Jesus didn't die. People used to be buried with a string and bell because people would misdiagnose death and bury people alive. Jesus being presumably dead and returning three days later is plausible.

  3. Jesus died on the cross and didn't physically resurrect. All the accounts of his resurrection where spiritual, imagined, exaggerated, and then over time collaborated to prove his divinity. This is most plausible considering the distance between Jesus' death and the writings of his physical resurrection, empty tomb, etc in the New Testament.

Plausibility isn't the only important factor, but as a person who doesn't believe in the supernatural, plausibility is the most important factor in determining the evidence for Jesus' resurrection.

5) How is the exclusivity of Christianity fair to those who don't hear the Gospel?

The answers here were the most unsatisfying. But there are a lot of reason and answers.


There are a lot of good reasons to believe in God and Christianity. There is evidence for both. I admire and respect people who live their life like Jesus of Nazareth.

But I do not think he was God or resurrected. It is possible that ideas exist that I haven't heard yet, but I have studied Christianity and the major world religions, and their answers do not satisfy me. I have thought and read a lot about these topics. I enjoy learning and reading about religion. Religions help me grow as a person and understand other people and the world. Still, they are human creation, like science, philosophy, or mathematics.

Religions were created and served a function in their cultures. Then the religions that benefited people most survived and beat out other religions. Eventually states and nations used religions as a systems of control. Today, the major religions are the religions that provided people meaning but also allowed allowed people to be controlled. Religions evolve. Christians today are different than Christians 100 or 1,000 years ago. As society changes and progress, religions and Christianity will adapt and evolve. Churches in the US and Europe especially are adapting to meet progressive ideas.

Even though I see problems with religions, I don't see religion as bad, nor do I use any of my time or effort to disprove people's faith or beliefs. That isn't my place. I love to argue and critically analyze ideas. I'd like to help people think better, but I don't want to tell people what to think or believe.

I want to be a good person. I'm interested in finding out how I can be a better person, but my current condition has my priories to my immediate family. So the questions and answers discussed in the talk, do not interests me nor help me or my family.

In my experience, people believe because of two main factors: 1) how they were raised or 2) what they feel or experience. It is as easy for me to reject Christianity as it is a Christian to reject Islam, Hinduism, or Scientology. I wasn't told or taught anything growing up. I wasn't brought up to be an atheist either; we just didn't go to church or talk about religion. I accepted God because everyone I knew did, and I didn't know it was an option not to believe in God until I was an adult. I didn't think The Big Bang or evolution were serious ideas until I went to college.

Lacking religious ideas growing up, I consider a blessing. I am able to think about philosophical questions with a less bias towards a religious idea, allowing me to be more critical in general, or it feels that way at least.

Luis, I love you brother. I appreciate you wanting and trying to save me. And I'm happy you have found meaning and answers in your life.

Jimbo out


  1. I have not listened to the link, but as I read your post my mind could not unlatch from the the sentence that you wrote prior to defining the type of faith that you were referring to in this post, "faith has many meanings and usages". It made me truly question how I define or relate to this term. Unlike the faith that you speak of in your post- this sort-of personified faith, I suppose, or absolutely defined faith in something very specific, such as the Christian doctrine...I have never been able to feel. My high school boyfriend of 6 years was a homeschooled non-denominational Christian and I swear...I sure never felt Christian-enough for him- though, I indeed tried to try!

    I have studied, been involved with Christianity growing up in rural Idaho under a non-denominational group in Calvary Chapel where my mom attends church and where I tried to attend a college group at Boise State with my roommate...and remembering back to those times, by far, the most "faith" I ever understood or personally felt was through the FEELING of the live music in the services and in the college group rock-out jam sessions that they liked to call church but was basically just a big concert. I didn't understand or agree with a lot of the lyrics that were being said and thought that they were basically telling me that I as already hell bound, but that I could be saved and it just built up associations with guilt and guilt and guilt- an almost not good enough vibe. Its really funny now to think about....I never felt "good enough" to be a Christian which I think is probably one of the most basic problems for a faith-based argument. I believe I define faith as a different type of energy, as a poetry of life...something that has moved through you- in you- a Creative.

    As I got to Hawaii 8 years ago and started to explore the Eastern influenced religions and practice of yoga and Ayurveda....something in that definition shifted drastically. faith became beautiful. There were no longer any rules in these systems...but clearer recommendation on very small practices that you could do to shift your mindset and energy and physical body- which I have always been so connected with. Out with the rule and in with the Tantra! YES! I get this!! I could FEEL so much of how the yogic world explained energy....I could feel energy. I can look out my window and SEE it. I could prove that energy exists and thrives and can take a dive. Energetic faith made sense. But then, a few of the associations with guilt started to creep back I started to develop different morning and evening rituals that were some of the most beautiful things I have ever done in my life...sunrise gazing, early morning meditation, journaling, breathing, asana, beauty practices, ayurvedic cleansings, etc. all of which are still so dear to me....i started to not be able to merge them with this westernized lifestyle I was leading. I still work full time even on a self-employed schedule, i have a full time boyfriend of 8 years (men take up so much time for so many reasons lol....time of the mind more than anything I think, which is good! But still time), and being in one of the most expensive states in the world, Hawaii, if you aren't on top of your financial game then you aren't here! So, guilt. So...I stepped away again...but, anyway.

    I think faith for me is a flexibility of the mind...a deeper knowing that powerful experiences exist as well as the mundane. that we have moments of clarity and moments of doubt, but this thing that we call faith is the transition that moves us from one to the next- a remembering in times of doubt that given enough time, we will transition again. into something else. and in those pure tastes of creative passion that there is a gratefulness to remember, that energy of feeling the Flow that makes life worth living for- whether we get 1 glimpse or 100 glimpses. Faith is what allows us to falter and return. I think Faith is an energy of hope "that perches in the soul..." (Dickinson).

    1. Thank you for the thoughtful response.

      I like your faith!

    2. I just reread your post and something that truly stood out to me this time around is the idea that we find typically choose to accept or adopt ideas and look towards philosophies that help us live within our "current conditions". If these ideas and philosophies do not readily apply, then off with their heads! For now...anyway. This is why rereading books and posts is so helpful to me. Sometimes I feel like an entirely different person every day. WEll, 80% different? 15%?

      And I think that is why the "religion" of poetry is so useful- it is quite Present, typically, with each current system of belief that we find ourselves in- it has no rules unless you want them, and it can become whatever you need it to become right then and there, and tomorrow it can also change, or stay the same. Reading 1 poem a day for 365 days of the year or read the same poem over and over again. It is USEFUL!!!! All the time useful!! I think spirituality should be useful- practical in a sense- but beautiful too.

      Itʻs hard to know how we can build the habit of meaning within our lives- sometimes it feels like we can think all day long and ponder and write and handle new information and talk about it, recognize it, feel it, share it- and other days, itʻs just not anywhere in sight- at least for me. Supposedly, meaning is the WHY behind why we live our lives and there are some pretty easy answers- such as our close immediate relationships, that make it easy to believe in this meaning- itʻs right there in front of us. Nature is easy too- ITS HUGE!!!! AND BEAUTIFUL AND GRAND AND SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!

      But what about the other million big ideas that come at us? Sometimes i think wondering is all the meaning we need....but we must keep up with it! The presentation of ideas for the Labyrinth in which we all find ourselves. I think we need to research more on the symbol of Labyrinth!! Great writing, Jimbo. You are on that roley poley ride...

    3. Continuing with your current condition idea. How much of our current condition is influenced by our philosophy? Is there a positive feedback loop there? There is a lot to say in that idea. We probably need a drastic change in current conditions to accept and adopt large changes.

      I love your idea of reading the same poem for 365 days. Which poem should we choose??? Should that be a 2021 thing? Is this a thing? We'd be the leading experts on that poem after a year.
