Monday, August 14, 2017

Annoying Liberals from a Liberal

I'd like to condemn and defend the idiots with torches.

People who know me, know I don't have to say that violence is a less effective form of protest. I’m for peaceful protest, civil disobedience, and freedom of speech because these ideals make America Great.

After the riots the last few years in response to police brutality towards black men and boys, I said, "Good. Maybe people will start listening and paying attention." In that case the riots bring additional media coverage, but also additional criticism and evidence for racism. Or evidence for the need of force from police. I think we will see progress in the future as a result of these actions, and hopefully no literal race wars, but I think the cause would benefit greater without the riot parts of the demonstrations.

Now I feel similar. I'm not going to say good, but maybe people will start to listen.

There is a ton of tension growing between classes and race. I'm really annoyed by the liberal media and liberals on social media. People act like poor and working class white people have nothing to complain about. Even worse, when liberals act like they are on a moral high ground because they claim to acknowledge their privilege, myself included. All white people do not share the same privileges. I grew up with plenty of white people with abusive parents, single parents, poor parents, and or addicted parents. Many of those white people don't see themselves as privileged.

I completely disagree with the rioters’ message: I support affirmative action and many of the progressive ideals towards equality. In fact, if I ruled the word, I’d increase affirmative actions. I might even open borders. Still, there is a problem. Although poverty affects more than twice the percent of people of color than white people, there are still large groups of white people--not me-- who are seeing their opportunities and their children's opportunities diminish. The rioters are the most extreme voices, but they represent a large group of people in this country who are fed up. Their distress is valid; loss of jobs, price of education, slow wage growth, etc all affect their communities as well. It isn't a white or black problem, so we should recognize their struggles and lack of opportunities. This will lead to effective solutions for people of all colors.

Furthermore, how helpful it is to use language that fuels the fire of those, for now, small torches. Degrading people and their beliefs forces them to double down and hold tighter to their cultural identity. It provides them with evidence to their conspiracy theories that the liberal media and politicians are trying to replace and disadvantage the white race (their argument, not mine. Can you sense my defensiveness?). When was the last time someone who ridiculed you taught you something or changed your opinions.

If you want a more united country, conduct yourself in a more uniting way. If you want to further divide, then use the rhetoric of the hateful. I vote for common grounds and unity, so we can reconcile and work on finding better solutions.


I lean back in my chair. Is this what righteousness after a long social media post no one will read feels like? I kind of like it.

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