Thursday, March 21, 2024

I Used to Love Her, But I Had to Kill Her

This is an extra rough draft.

This is the longer explanation of my background with Star Wars from The Jedi Suck Trilogy.

I loved Star Wars (SW) growing up. Luke Skywalker was my favorite. I took apart brooms to use as light sabers. I pretended I to use the force with the help of the wind and or a fan. I had and played with the original toys. I watched the Original Trilogy (OT) on VCR over and over again. As an adult, my love for Star Wars continued. I argued with people in person and online. I watched Star Wars on DVD many nights before bed. A few minutes at a time, I'd take days to months to finish each film. I explored the expanded universe books and comics. I'd spend hours reading Wookiepedia.

My love for Star Wars its first blow upon the release of Revenge of the Sith. I went opening night with a group of friends. My buddy next to me was texting his girlfriend throughout the movie which annoyed and affected my experience. Overall, I was disappointed. No Darth Vader! I liked the dark side in Anakin slaughtering the village of sand people in Attack of the Clones. I wanted to see a modern Darth Vader killing jedi knights, not a crying Anakin throwing a tantrum at Obi Wan Kenobi. I've since come to appreciate Revenge of the Sith, especially with the addition of the deleted scenes that sell the fall of Anakin a lot better.

Since Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars has produced disappoint after disappoint. So much potential energy wasted. Meanwhile, I have broadened my tastes and knowledge. Now, it's really hard to enjoy Star Wars. So many childish and silly characters, creatures, or technologies. The worst part is the inconsistencies in both logic and continuity. With the abundance of Star Wars nerds, it's truly alarming that the movies and shows can continuously produce content that creates and furthers discontinuity. Seriously, hire one person, or program an AI, whose only purpose is to fact check and verify continuity. This could start to bring balance to the force.

I might expand of this later. In recent years, I find the commentary and fan productions to be the best Star Wars content. I find them a lot more enjoyable than the original content. I have a playlist of my favorite fan edits. The animations are the only Star Wars content I've been able to enjoy. I'm more forgiving with the animations because they're intended for children. The exploration is rewarded. The animations have some great moments and scenes. Tales of the Jedi and The Seige of Mandalore are my favorite stories Star Wars has released in the last 19 years. Here are my recommendations for where to go and start with the animations.


  1. "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

    Star Wars was made for all ages, and its outsized, wild success has made it a subject of intense focus and analysis that the material can't bear. Men, especially, spend years devoted to following this franchise when in another world they might have moved on to other history, religion or philosophy.
